About Us
Know who we are

OSHEN provides a platform designed to connect healthcare organizations with verified charities or not-for-profit organizations who are looking for usable hospital equipment for donation.
In Ontario, millions of hospital dollars are spent every year replacing outdated equipment, and technologies. Thousands of items of surplus equipment becoming available every year, equipment that could be re-used elsewhere in the province or donated to low resource countries for humanitarian use.
Finding qualified recipients for surplus equipment and ensuring the donations are done fairly and properly requires considerable effort and time. OSHEN provides a simple transparent platform for Hospitals free-of-charge to reduce the burden of this responsibility.About CESO
The Mission of the Clinical Engineering Society of Ontario (CESO) is to represent, advocate and provide educational and networking opportunities for Clinical Engineers and Biomedical Engineering Technologists and Technicians in the Province of Ontario. In addition to act as an information resource, providing curated information relevant to the profession through our web site and other channels.

Bill Gentles is vice president of BT Medical Technology Consulting. He is the former Director of Biomedical Engineering at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto Canada. He served in that position from 1972 - 2001.
Since leaving Sunnybrook, Bill has been working as a freelance consultant in the field of Clinical Engineering. His consulting work relates primarily to equipment planning for hospitals, policy development and incident investigations in which medical equipment is involved. Bill is one of the co-authors of the original “Clinical Engineering Standards of Practice for Canada". He served as President of CMBES from 2004 - 2008. He is currently chair of the International Outreach committee of the CMBES and a fellow of CMBES. He is current President of the Clinical Engineering Society of Ontario. He is also a member of the American College of Clinical Engineering. He received his PhD in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1974. He is a Registered Professional Engineer, and a Certified Clinical Engineer.

Murat is currently working at the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre as the Manager of Biomedical Engineering Department. He has been serving CESO and CMBES in multiple roles and different committees. Murat has an MSc degree in Biomedical Engineering and has been working in the Biomedical/Clinical Engineering field for more than 23 years.

Firdous is a recent Clinical Engineering (MHSc) Graduate from UofT. She has experience working with various healthcare institutions in Biomedical Engineering and Human Factors positions. She also holds a Bachelor's in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering from Carleton University.